Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Musical Genius - no lie.

If there is one good thing that has happened in my lifetime, it is Ani Difranco. She is - - well, so much. Musical genius - lyrics that are captivating and intelligent, that reach right into your soul and slap it around a bit; guitar skill - a master of rhythm, picking, and brilliant progressions; a feminist icon - a women with so much to say that is just so darn right about so many darn things. Ani received her fame only through sheer determination and commitment - and now her music and work has changed the lives of millions of people.

Above is the song "Your Next Bold Move" first was recorded on her 2001 record "Reckoning." The song embodies most of what I love about Ani - the compelling, relevant lyrics to the appeal to individual reflection and action. She moves from the political to the personal poignantly and her simple guitar walks you through the honesty of her lyrics.

Below is "Two Little Girls" which is a song that shows a different aspect of Ani's musical talent. This is about as narrative as Ani gets, although she does often write about personal emotions and experiences. She demonstrates her staccato guitar playing method and showcases her brilliance when arranging an entire band to play her songs.

I have seen Ani in concert somewhere in the vicinity of 10 times, in a variety of venues, at a many different points in her career. One thing that has always stayed the same - at some point in the concert I am brought to tears as a result of her musical genius.

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